How Do I See Who Has Used My Signatures?

Not only can you view signature history, you can, using advanced search options, determine who used a signature for a specific case.

To track signature usage:

  1. Visit and log in with your My RealLegal/Signatures user ID and password. The E-Transcript Signatures Home page opens.

  2. Click the View Signatures History link.

  3. If only a few signatures have been used, you can stop here and visually search through the records.

  4. If many signatures have been used, click the Search for Transcripts link.

  5. Click the drop-down list  to the right of the text Select a column and select a type of search:

Date of signing: Click this option to sort the list based on the date of signing. Use the interactive calendar to select the appropriate date.  

Document title: Click this option to type in the title of the transcript and then search by the title.  

Signature on the document: Click this option to type in the name of the signature on the transcript and then search by the signature.  

Recipient of the document:  Click this option to search by the name of the person who received the document.