How Do I Set up an Authorized User Administrator?

The purpose of giving someone administrative rights over your signature billing account is to allow the person to review the number of signatures used and to allow him or her to add other users to the billing account.

Who would you give administrative rights to? Your boss. Your accountant. A manager in another city.  

To set up an authorized user administrator:

  1. Go to and log in with your My RealLegal/Signatures user ID and password. The E-Transcript Signatures Home page opens.

  2. Click the Edit My Billing Accounts link.

  3. Click the name of the account.

  4. Click the Authorized users link.

  5. Type the E-Transcript Signatures user ID of the court reporter who will draw signatures from your signature billing account.

  6. Click the Add button.  

Note that a table appears on the page. One of the column headings reads "Is Administrator?"

  1. To make the user an administrator, click the Yes option in the Is Administrator column.