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Reporter Edition

Welcome to RealLegal E-Transcript Signatures

Required security updates were recently made to RealLegal applications. Customers using Windows 7 operating system with E-Transcript Manager or Reporter Edition cannot communicate with RealLegal mailboxes or signature accounts. Please upgrade to a supported Windows operating system and update E-Transcript Manager or Reporter Edition applications to version 9.6.
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transcripts electronically!

RealLegal E-Transcript™, the industry standard for electronic transcripts, provides reporters with the ability to digitally sign. Our revolutionary E-Transcript Signature technology replaces traditional paper-based methods of physically signing a certification page. E-Transcript Signatures are the secure, verifiable replacement for ink-on-paper.

Enhance your business processes by eliminating the costs and delays associated with the act of physically signing certification pages.   Learn more...

Enrollment is FREE!

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